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Natural, Regular and Spontaneous
The three top-secret words for your child to become fluent in English
Children have more abilities and more capability of understanding than many parents and educators believe is possible. Learning a second language is easily apprehended by a child as long as it is passed on in a natural, regular and spontaneous way. Just as natural, regular and spontaneously as parents and educators pass on to children their native language.
The same happens with all the other things that your children learn and have contact with. Whatever you introduce it into their routine, their brains will assimilate as a natural part of their playing and growth.
Bilingual children’s knowledge of a second language gives them an advantage in learning to read. Their ability to apply the visions and knowledge of one language to the other as well as their wider experience of language, gives them a big head start throughout the learning process.
Your children have the ability to start learning English, from as early as they can start learning their native language. Early years demonstrate to have the highest rates of learning. And the habits formed at a young age will stay with them for a lifetime. Starting early and on a regular basis offers the widest possible set of benefits and opportunities. The earlier children are exposed to English, the easier it will be for them to learn it like a native speaker, become at ease with the language and, also, avoid future difficulties in school.
Children store knowledge for a long time. Before they can speak, their brain absorbs information and concepts that are introduced to them on a regular basis, as a routine. And if English is part of that routine, the information turns into knowledge. Because it becomes natural to them. And depending on their personality, their continuous stimulation and, also, their necessity to communicate, they will exteriorize what they’ve been learning very attentively, even when it looks otherwise. It’s important to keep in mind that most children have more knowledge in their brain than they show or want to show.
Curricular English gives the children that one of a kind experience of regular and natural learning.
If language learning is intuitive and natural, the ease and pleasure of the experience will boost their confidence and their desire for a whole new world of discoveries.